Teeth Cleaning

Having your teeth cleaned by a professional dental hygienist is needed for everyone, even if you are a great brusher. When we eat food, some of the particles stick to the teeth. Bacteria eat these food particles which allows the bacteria to multiply. Those food particles turn into plaque. If plaque is not removed, it attracts minerals from saliva and becomes hard like a shell, called tartar or calculus. Calculus attracts more plaque and bacteria and the process continues. These bacteria produce toxins and your body responds to these toxins and that leads to inflammation of gums called Gingivitis.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it will lead to bone loss surrounding teeth and that is called periodontitis. Periodontitis is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. It is usually painless, so in many cases, the patients are able to ignore the symptoms until it’s too late to save the teeth.

Not all professional dental teeth cleanings are the same. Here at Fenwick Dental we will examine your teeth, take gum measurements, and x-rays to look for bone loss and other signs of Gingivitis or Periodontitis. Some patients require simple prophylaxis cleanings while others may require deeper teeth cleanings to smooth the root surfaces of any calculus build up.

Periodic teeth cleaning

To remove plaque, bacteria, and tartar, our hygienist uses a special instrument called Ultra Sonic Scaler. Ultra Sonic Scaler vibrates at high frequency and removes tartar and plaque without damaging the tooth structure. After cleaning with the ultrasonic scaler, our hygienist polishes the teeth with a special paste to remove any stain present on the teeth.

Scaling and Root Planning

Scaling and root planning is necessary when you have periodontitis. When plaque and tartar are build up underneath the gum tissue due to bone loss, the condition is called periodontitis.

Your Dentist or Dental Hygienist at Fenwick Dental will begin by numbing your gum with local anesthesia. Then they will use ultrasonic scalers and special hand scalers to go deeper into the gum and removes plaque and tartar that has built up between the gum and the root surface of your teeth. After removing the plaque and tartar, the dental hygienist smoothes the root surface of the tooth which is called root planning.